
The art of communication
13 March - 7.30 pm to 11.00 am - HU9 1AT
08 August - 7.30 pm to 11.00 am - HU9 1AT

Mediumship night in a Haunted building

Whether you believe or not!

Ralph Keeton

Working at an early age Ralph soon knew what it was like to take an unusual path in life. Growing up with extra voices and thoughts soon became natural as did working in the limelight in industry. By the time Ralph had reached his late teens he was already establishing himself as a quiet but confident member of the spiritual community.
Ralph has been lucky enough to work alongside many memorable people such as Derek Acorah, Colin Fry, Gordon Smith, Ian Shillitto and many more in many TV series. Ralph is the only medium to appear on all terrestrial TV channels and many Digital channels. Most of his work remains hidden as private clients and many individuals require no publicity. Ralph works alongside many companies to advise on and enable others to work smarter with energies.
Ralph has recently spent time building a museum around his exorcist realms to enlighten most on the fun or danger of working with these energies. Recently appearing in the 'Sun' and on Paranormal captured to solve some of the more devilish and dangerous energies on the planet.
Today Ralph will show you and get you involved in his work as part of the Extraordinarium Museum launch. He will take you through a gambit of emotional issues, crying to laughter to educate you on the world of communicating energies